| 1. | After a short stop at kultuk, we turned east and followed the lake's southern shore . 在库尔吐克稍事休息后,我们转向东又顺着湖南岸前进。 |
| 2. | Only 4 - hour driving distance exclude the short stop in barstow 四个钟头直达赌城不包含停barstow略作休息。 |
| 3. | Dependability . larger drum brakes , long lasting . shorter stopping distance 可靠性:大型鼓式制动器持久制动,更短的停车距离。 |
| 4. | Security . shorter stopping distance , better braking thanks to rear batteries 安全性:电池后置以此获得更短的停车距离,更好的制动性能。 |
| 5. | Leaving da lat , we made a short stop in the city of ba ria to search for musician tran quang loc . he and his family were quite touched by our sudden appearance 我们离开大叻市,顺便拜访巴地市,寻找音乐家陈光禄,当我们将礼物送给他和他的家庭时,他们对于我们这次突然的出现非常感动。 |
| 6. | Wet roads - double braking distance on a dry road , an alert driver with a good car with good brakes and tyres , will stop in the distances shown . these are shortest stopping distances 在乾爽的路面上,只有当驾驶人留神,而煞车掣及轮胎均性能良好时,才可能在左列最短的停车距离内,把车辆停定。 |
| 7. | If not , there could be a short stop page in the line , the officials said , because there is a lead time of at least three years from production order to delivery of the first aircraft 公司的员工说,如果不能顺利签约,公司就可能需要暂时的停下生产线,因为从接到生产订单得到顺利交货,期间会有一个至少3年的间隔。 |
| 8. | With a fascinating gondola ride to the top of the sulphur mountain will accomplish an excellent view of scenery . the visit will even complement with a short stop at the bow falls and shopping time in the banff city center area 山峻岭,继而参观班芙市内之弓河瀑布拍照留念,各团友更可在市中心随意选购纪念品及午膳,继前诗情画意的露意诗湖,面对长年累月为冰雪掩盖的维多利亚冰川,超然脱俗。 |